Achieve, Manage & Sustain Weight Loss



Enhance Your Overall Wellness & Reduce Stress

Join us for a transformative virtual workshop designed to guide you on your weight loss journey.


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$ 45.00 USD

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In this one-time offering, our expert wellness professional will guide you through an eye-opening exploration of the current health landscape for African Americans, other people of color, and White Americans


Are you ready to take control of your health andachieve lasting weight loss? Join us for Achieve, Manage, and SustainWeight Loss for Adults, a transformative virtual workshop designed to guideyou on your weight loss journey. This session will address the critical healthstatus of African Americans, other people of color, and White Americans,shedding light on the significant health challenges our communities face today.

Led by an experienced facilitator, this workshopwill provide you with essential insights into the factors contributing toweight gain and the accompanying health risks. You'll learn about the uniquechallenges that different groups face and discover practical, actionable habitsthat can support effective weight loss and improve overall health.

This session will empower you with the toolsneeded to not only achieve your weight loss goals but also manage and sustainthem for the long term. Whether you're just starting your weight loss journeyor looking to maintain your progress, this workshop offers valuable guidancetailored to your needs.


·       Understanding the health disparities and weight-related challengesamong African Americans, other people of color, and White Americans.

·       Insights into the major health challenges impacting ourcommunities, including obesity and related illnesses.

·       Proven strategies for achieving and maintaining weight loss, focusingon long-term success.

·       Practical, actionable habits to support weight loss and overallwellness.

·       Tips for overcoming common obstacles and staying motivated on yourjourney.

Who Should Attend:
This workshop is ideal for adults who are committed to improving their healththrough weight loss, whether you're just beginning your journey or seeking tomaintain your progress. No prior experience with weight loss programs isrequired.

Date& Time: March 2025

Registration:Virtual link sent to registered participants

Take the first step towards a healthier you byjoining us to Achieve, Manage, and Sustain Weight Loss for Adults.Let's work together to create lasting, positive changes in our lives andcommunities!

Kick Mainlining Sugar



Kick Mainlining Sugar

Join us for Kick Mainlining Sugar for Adults, a powerful one-time virtual workshop designed to help you break free from sugar addiction and reclaim control over your health.

$ 45.00 USD

Product Details
Enhance Wellness: Exercise & The Body



Enhance Wellness: Exercise & The Body

Exercise and the Body, a dynamic and informative virtual workshop designed to empower adults with the knowledge and tools they need to improve their health and wellness through exercise

$ 45.00 USD

Product Details
Enhance Your Overall Wellness & Reduce Stress



Enhance Your Overall Wellness & Reduce Stress

In this one-time offering, our expert wellness professional will guide you through an eye-opening exploration of the current health landscape for African Americans, other people of color, and White Americans

$ 45.00 USD

Product Details